Leiria. Square of Paulo VI (Praça Paulo VI)

My walk ended in a square located next to the Luis Camois Park. Here you can see another beautiful building in the style of Portuguese art Nouveau, which has all the features of the architectural trend popular at the beginning of the last century - Stucco decorations with female heads and vegetation, shaped metal bars of balconies, arched Windows. In the frame of the third-floor balcony, you can easily guess the shape of the letter "omega" - a symbol of modernity.

Leiria. Square of Paulo VI (Praça Paulo VI)

The square was named after Pope Paul VI, who visited Leiria on may 13, 1967, during a pilgrimage to Fatima.

Leiria. Monument to Paulo VI (Praça Paulo VI)

The bus station of Leiria is located on the square Paulo VI (on the map Central Rodoviária Tejo is a completely inconspicuous building, which you can only find out about its purpose by looking at the Central Rodoviária Tejo sign. Behind the sign hides a small room with a ticket office, and a huge covered platform. By the way, in the ticket hall (if you can call a room 3 by 4 meters), there was an information terminal where you can find the desired route not only from Leiria, but also throughout Portugal. Well, this will not surprise anyone, but the local machine has one wonderful feature - you can get the schedule of the selected route in paper form. This saved me from the painful memory of Portuguese numbers, I simply underlined the departure time I needed and handed the piece of paper to the ticket office.

Leiria. Bus Station (Central Rodoviária Tejo)

In front of the bus station there is another information terminal, but it is already a municipal one. The device is made very well, but, unfortunately, it did not function.

Leiria. Square of Paulo VI (Praça Paulo VI). Information terminal

This is the end of my acquaintance with the cozy Portuguese town of Leiria, and the bus takes me to Coimbra. Driving over the Hinze Ribeiro bridge, I took a picture on my phone of the Polis Park, whichstretches along the banks of the Lis river.
